1) How do you mix a tertiary colour?
2) How do you make a colour neutral?
3) How do you mix a shade of brown?
4)“How does colour affect the viewer's reaction to Picasso’s “Celestina” in blue tones and in
Kiki Smith’s “Virgin Mary” in red tones?
5) How does colour in these two works of art play a role in the reaction of the viewer?
6) How might other people’s associations with colour affect their perception of this
portrait?” (A2.1)
7) Looking to your colour wheel, what are 3 areas you are most proud of and what are 3
areas if you had more time you would rework and why?
1. To get a tertiary color you mix a primary and secondary colors
2. To make a color neutral you add brown
3. You mix a primary color with its complementary color
4. The blue in Picasso’s celestina make the piece more of a sad piece and the red in Kiki
Smith’s Virgin Mary piece makes the price more of a vibrant piece
5. Less vibrant (such as blue) colors give off more of a sad mood while more vibrant colors
( such as red ) create a more happy mood
6. Cool tones give more sad and cooled feel while warm tones give a more inviting feel so
this would make a reaction
7. I am proud of my red, red orange , and orange if I had more time I would work on my
blue, yellow ,and violet those where one of my first ones I had not gotten the hang of
mixing yet.